Friday, February 4, 2011

Life is good.

Wow.  It's been a long time since I've written any thing.  I normally don't go this long without writing, something usually triggers a reaction in me that spurs to me write, and I just haven't felt that way recently.  I wonder if it's because as I get older, fewer things bother me.  My sense of self-righteous indignation is disappearing.  Other people's flaws that used to annoy me and anger me, are now dismissed as quirks. The Twitter and Facebook feeds of the disenchanted, depressed and lovelorn make me shy away from indulging in a good bout of self pity.  I think I've actually learned that whole "Don't sweat the small stuff" lesson.  I've learned that unrequited love is a waste of time and just takes up room in your heart that is better filled with other things.

I'm still fat, I'm still not dating anyone, I'm still struggling to make ends meet - but none of it seems overly important or especially noteworthy. Not sure if this is apathy, or if it's that after taking a really good look around I have come to the conclusion that, well, my life is good! (or,you know, so many other people's lives are REALLY shitty.)

I am truly grateful for where I am in my life right now.  Things aren't perfect, but all the important things are in their place. There is room to grow, of course, but I no longer feel the need to remodel my life and completely change everything. There is no special "man" in my life, but I have tons of precious friends, good wine, and plenty of streaming Netflix episodes of Spartacus; Blood and Sand, to keep me busy.  Added Bonus - I've started working on my art again.  It's an activity I can share with my daughter.  Sharing long Sunday afternoons painting with my daughter gives me WAY better feedback than blogging to the masses about my life's failings.  Yeah, Life really is good.

1 comment:

  1. Recently came back from a 20-month hiatus on my blog. It's cathartic to expend the creative energy and allow some focus on the joyful things in life, the stuff we leave out to punish ourselves for not getting priorities completed.

    Good to see you, birthday buddy! :)
